Free, Fun Activities to Enjoy this Summer

Everyone from the oldest to the youngest member of the family seems to be plugged into media these days and busy all the time with the Internet, smart phone, Kindle, notebook, IPad, video games or other electronic distractions.  Summer is here and summer is a time to enjoy the freedom from school and our usual schedules, to get out in the pretty weather and do things together as a family, to get some exercise, and most of all to have some fun.

gloriousevents-foodThe sweetest and best experiences in life are the ones that cannot be bought, but are experienced through our times together doing simple things. To make the most of your summer vacation, you do not need a lot of money and a big vacation budget.  All you need is some imagination and a sense of adventure. There are many free activities available for summer fun. Let’s explore some ideas together.

Five Fun and Free Activities

When is the last time you got to play in the sprinkler’s path?  Surprise the kids. Take the family on a walk around the neighborhood, setting a good pace and working up a little bit of  a sweat. Leave the sprinkler on while you are gone to water your grass. When you arrive home, march right into the spray and splash the kids. Chase them around in the spray until everyone is wet and cool. Have a great time getting wet.

Unplug the electronics for a day or a half day each week. Read together, play board games, tell jokes and spend some quality time together instead.  Plan scavenger hunts inside the house: hide and hunt in teams. Cook a meal together with every family member being in charge of some part of it.

Go visit the Atlanta Botanical Gardens to see the plants and butterflies. Peek in on a wedding if one is in progress for some happy vibes. Go to Piedmont Park and take a picnic lunch. Take a Frisbee, some hula hoops, or your bicycles with you. It is a great place to spend the day and it is free.

Celebrate an obscure holiday. (There is one for almost any day of the year!) National Ice Cream Day falls

Finally, camp out in your own backyard. Enjoy stargazing as the sky darkens. Roast hot dogs and marshmallows and tell campfire stories. Catch lightning bugs in a mason jar and turn them loose when you are finished. Make special memories together on these warm summer nights.

Catering Events in Atlanta, GA

When you have a special event to host, you do not have to opt for free activities. You will need professional help planning and preparing for the occasion. You must hire the best event planner in Atlanta that you can find to impress your guests and to make things easier on you. Have no fear – there are plenty of catering companies in Atlanta, so do your due diligence and find the best one for your needs and budget.