Party On! Why Work Parties Are Important

Depending on the organization’s size and culture, work parties can vary from the standard lackluster table of plain sandwiches and house wine to open bar and trays of hors d’oeuvres options. Small companies may not be able to afford a huge spread of libations and bites like many large companies in the U.S. but a… Read more

Party Food 101

The holidays are just around the corner and the early planner gets to enjoy their own party. If you’re entertaining people this holiday season, one of the trickiest things to figure is the amount of food you should be serving. What’s the best way to figure out how much while keeping everyone’s dietary needs in… Read more

Three Things to Remember for Perfect Party Planning

If you have ever had to plan a party or other special gathering, you know that the details are very important. From the logistics such as the venue and guest list, to the invitations and the DJ, everything must be coordinated so that your party goes perfectly. In addition to the “nuts and bolts”, there are three things that you should remember to make sure that your event is unique, enjoyable, and memorable

5 Favorite Summer Party Trends

Summer officially starts on June 21 but we ve noticed a few party trends that have been emerging lately. Here are a few ideas we ve been seeing in Events in Atanta. Deep purple decor: Celebrate the summer with lively jewel tones, specifically the vibrant blues and purples. We usually associate summer with sunny colors and pastels… Read more